Matcha Patcha - an ode to taste and quality.

Each cup of matcha will reveal to you a creamy, slightly sweet taste and a vibrant green color. All Matcha Patcha products are 100% organic, sourced from Japan, and the result of the first and second green tea leaf harvests, ensuring not only a gentle and vivid flavor but also noticeable quality.

Iced matcha latte

What kind of matcha to choose?

Matcha has two main categories - ceremonial and culinary matcha. Ceremonial matcha is made only from the first harvest, while culinary matcha is made from later harvests - the second or later harvests or a mixture of them.

To maintain the high quality and flavor of both matcha categories, Matcha Patcha Ceremonial grade matcha is obtained from the first leaf-picking cycle, and Culinary grade matcha is a mixture of the first and second harvests.

Ceremonial (Premium) matcha is characterized by a sweeter taste, higher caffeine content, and a brighter, more intense color compared to culinary matcha. This category of matcha, due to its light creamy texture, is most commonly used in making traditional matcha tea by sweetening it with honey, agave syrup, or sugar as needed. Although it is recommended to drink ceremonial matcha in the traditional way, it can also be used in making lattes or other beverages.

Culinary matcha has a slightly stronger taste, lower caffeine content, and a milder, sometimes deeper green color. This type of matcha is often used in various milk drinks like lattes, etc., and in cooking - for various desserts, ice cream, pastries, sweet sauces, and more. Since Matcha Patcha culinary matcha is a mixture of the first and second harvests, it can also be used to make matcha in the traditional way (matcha + water).

Benefits of matcha

Matcha didina energijos kiekį

Boosts energy level

Matcha is a natural source of caffeine, providing natural energy support. This is due to the combination of matcha's caffeine with L-theanine, which promotes concentration and mental clarity. Caffeine is known for its ability to increase energy levels, while L-theanine contributes to a calming effect, helping to avoid anxiety, and unlike other sources of caffeine, reduces the sensation of "jitters."

Matcha atpalaiduoja bei padeda koncentracijai

Relaxes and aids concentration

The L-theanine found in matcha is more than just a simple calming component. This amino acid can help improve concentration and focus while reducing mental stress and tension. Combining L-theanine with caffeine, matcha provides a combination that can help you relax without losing clarity and effectiveness.

Matcha detoksikuoja


Matcha is a rich source of antioxidants, especially catechins (e.g., EGCG), known for their detoxifying properties. These antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and support overall well-being.

Matcha degina papildomas kalorijas

Burns extra calories

While matcha should not be considered the sole solution for weight loss, caffeine can help slightly boost metabolism. This means the body can burn a few more calories than usual. However, effective weight management always depends on a healthy and balanced diet along with physical activity.

Matcha padeda užkirsti kelią vėžiui

Helps to prevent cancer

While matcha is known for its high antioxidant content, including EGCG, more research is still needed to precisely determine the role of matcha in cancer prevention. Some studies suggest that antioxidants may have a protective effect on the body by inhibiting the action of free radicals, which can contribute to cell damage and the inhibition of cell growth.

How to identify high-quality matcha?

Finding high-quality matcha is not always easy. However, determining its quality can be done not only by tasting it but also by knowing the characteristics of the chosen matcha powder.

  • Matcha Color. The color of matcha can vary depending on its quality, but high-quality matcha typically has a deep, vibrant green color. This rich green hue indicates that the tea leaves were grown in the shade before harvesting, naturally increasing chlorophyll production and enhancing the green color.
  • Harvesting time or matcha grade. Harvesting time greatly influences the quality of matcha. Matcha made from the first harvest of tea leaves is considered to be of a higher grade, known as Ceremonial or Premium. This is because the leaves harvested during this period are younger, softer, and richer in flavor, and they contain higher caffeine content. First harvest matcha typically has a milder and more subtle flavor profile, making it highly desirable among matcha enthusiasts. Lower-grade matcha comes from later harvests, such as the second or third harvest, and tends to have a more subdued, yellowish-green color and a stronger taste.
  • Country of origin. Japan has preserved tea-growing traditions for centuries, developed unique processing techniques, and offers optimal growing conditions. Japanese matcha is highly regarded and selected for its exceptional flavor, vibrant green color, and distinctive umami taste. Matcha Patcha teas are hand-picked and ground with granite stones, preserving the uniqueness of the matcha production process.|
  • Aroma. High-quality matcha has a unique and gentle aroma. When you open a container of high-quality matcha powder, you should detect a fresh, vegetal scent with subtle hints of sweetness. In contrast, lower-quality matcha may have a stronger, less pleasant aroma or lack sweetness. A pleasant matcha aroma indicates freshness, high-quality tea leaves, and meticulous processing, enhancing the overall matcha experience.